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Discover BitBucket Cloud Administrator user

v8lust August 4, 2023

I have a BitBucket Cloud instance, migrated from Server (originally Stash), and I can't identify the Administrator. I have a separate admin account, where I can see the licenses for the all the other products, except BitBucket.

My greatest concern is that an admin user from the on-premise server has become the admin, with an email address that never existed.

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 7, 2023

Hi @v8lust,

If you are not already an admin of this workspace, you will not be able to see from the UI who the admins are.

You can ask your colleagues if they have admin access to this workspace.

If you still cannot figure it out, you can create a ticket with the support team and ask them to provide you with the name(s) of the admin(s). I cannot share that here due to our privacy policy, as this is a public forum.

You can create a ticket via, in "What can we help you with?" select "Technical issues and bugs" and then Bitbucket Cloud as product.

Please make sure:

  • that you create the support ticket using the email of your Bitbucket account that has access to that workspace
  • when you are asked for a workspace id, please make sure to provide the id of the workspace that is on a paid billing plan so that you can proceed with the ticket creation

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions!

Kind regards,

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