Delete bitbucket source code but keep wiki and issues

Leo Catallo
October 26, 2013


I have created a team project on BitBucket, pushed some code to git and started filling issues and wiki.

Now I realize that I should have pushed different code in a different way (i.e. don't push passwords and configuration, don't push history, etc).

Is there a way to remove the code but keep wiki and issues?


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October 27, 2013

This information posted by GitHub might help:

Leo Catallo
October 27, 2013

Do you mean doing something like this "git filter-branch --force --index-filter 'git rm -rf --cached --ignore-unmatch *' --prune-empty --tag-name-filter cat -- --all"?

Tried that, it leaves the current repo empty, but the history of commits is still there.

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