Default Start Review when making code comments?

Curtis Moody
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July 8, 2024

Is there a way to force that any code comments must be submitted as part of a review, even if it's just one comment?

I'm finding it's a hard habit to pick up to always start a review or when onboarding others to have them do as well. With each comment, your task is essentially to add a comment, which makes "add comment" a much more enticing option, despite the primary colouring of the "start review" button.

I see no reason, with our use case, that any comment should ever be outside of a review. It would be nice if there were (or if there already was?) a way to set a repository to always make code comments be part of a review.

As it stands, if we forget and start adding comments rapid fire, the email spammage is a bit annoying.

3 answers

1 vote
Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 10, 2024

Hi Curtis and welcome to the community!

I'm afraid there is no way to force comments to be part of a review at the moment. I can create a feature request for our development team to consider, please feel free to let me know if you'd like me to do that.

In the meantime, if you use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Enter (or Command+Enter on a Mac) after you finish writing the comment, this will automatically start a review. Perhaps that could be useful if you can pick up the habit of using the shortcut.

Kind regards,

1 vote
July 8, 2024

Hi @Curtis Moody 

@Nicolas Grossihave a point to you contacting the support team. Not clear to what your current plan is, but another way to get this done will be. 

For instance: Assuming you have a Bitbucket Server (Data Center) plan, you could create a hook Script that will be executed every time a comment is added to the repository. This script will check if the comment is part of a review and reject it if it is not.

This approach ensures that code comments are properly reviewed and helps manage email notifications more effectively.

0 votes
Nicolas Grossi
July 8, 2024

@Curtis Moody Welcome! I think that this feature is currently unavailable in your plan, you might contact




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