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Customize look and feel

Raj Krishnasamy March 8, 2024

Is there a way to customize the look and feel of Bitbucket Cloud version? I am looking to customize the Header bar at the minimum or replace the standard logo with company's. It was very straightforward to do in Jira and Confluence. I don't see similar options for Bitbucket. 

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 11, 2024

G'day, @Raj Krishnasamy 

Unfortunately, customization of the Bitbucket cloud user interface is not currently possible.

However, you can upload an avatar for your workspace, repository, and project. Please note that these avatars are not displayed in the header bar but only when you access the settings. For projects and repositories, the avatars will appear in their respective lists.


To upload your avatar, go to the settings of the respective workspace, repository, or project.

If it's something that you wish to see in the future, please let me know I can help to raise a new feature request.


Raj Krishnasamy March 12, 2024

Hi @Syahrul - Thanks for the response. I have already updated the workspace and project level avatars as you suggested. It would be to great to have the ability to customize header as well (similar to Jira and Confluence). 

Please raise the feature request and I can follow on that. 

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 12, 2024

Hey @Raj Krishnasamy 

Sure, I have created a feature request on behalf of you at:

Please make sure to Vote and Watch them so that you'll received an update if we have any in the future.


Raj Krishnasamy March 13, 2024

Thank you @Syahrul

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