Creating a table to display outstanding pull requests sorted by last update

ilya-nrds March 9, 2018


Often I want to see which pull requests have been sitting there for some time w/o any update.

How can I track them? Can I create some sort of table or notification?

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Caterina Curti
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 10, 2018

Hi Ilya,

To cover this exact requirement, you may want to consider creating an app for Bitbucket Server (we have a tutorial here) or use the REST API endpoints (for example the "/REST/API/1.0/PROJECTS/{PROJECTKEY}/REPOS/{REPOSITORYSLUG}/PULL-REQUESTS?DIRECTION&AT&STATE&ORDER&WITHATTRIBUTES&WITHPROPERTIES" - have a look at the documentation here) to retrieve the data and manage the notifications from the list.


Creating an app will allow you to manage any additional data (e.g. was the notification sent) directly in the Bitbucket Server database via the app itself. With a REST API, you'll need to create the logic in an external tool.


As alternatives, you could consider an existing app. The All Pull Requests does not manage notifications but provides an "updated" column available for each user.


The Bitbucket Server Dashboard (available since version 4.10 - see release notes) should also help in providing a clear overview of existing open pull requests to the logged in user.


Finally, we have an existing feature request to provide sortable columns including the last updated one (BSERV-3004 - Sortable columns in pull requests screen).


Thanks, Caterina - Atlassian 

ilya-nrds April 11, 2018

Thank you!

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