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Consider case-insensitive Pull Request diff view

Mark Zieg September 5, 2024

I realize that most languages are case-sensitive, but it would be useful for VHDL reviews (perhaps SQL as well) if lines differing only in capitalization could be hidden from online diff reviews, much as the current tool allows users to ignore white-only changes (which is sensible in some languages like C, perhaps less-so with Python and Makefiles).

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 9, 2024

Hi Mark,

Thank you for the feedback.

Git is case sensitive. It has an option to ignore whitespace in diffs, but there is no option to make diffs case insensitive. A custom implementation would be required for the latter.

I went ahead and created a feature request for what you are asking to gather interest:

You can add your vote to it (by selecting the Vote for this issue link) to express your interest, as the number of votes helps the product managers better understand the demand for new features. You are more than welcome to leave feedback, and you can also add yourself as a watcher (by selecting the Start watching this issue link) if you'd like to be notified via email on updates.

Implementation of features is done as per our policy here and any updates will be posted in the feature request.

Kind regards,

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