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Cant add a group to access repository.

parikshit mishra
I'm New Here
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February 22, 2019

I have created different teams, the teams have different groups. When I go to repository settings to assign group access, I am unable to select or find that particular group in the repository setting section. 

I have assigned group access to repository earlier but never face this kind of issue. Please help me out.

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 22, 2019

Hi Parikshit, welcome to the Community!

Could you show us a screenshot of what you see when you try to assign group access to the repo? Can you also enumerate the steps you're following?

Let us know!


parikshit mishra
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
February 24, 2019

Hi Ana,

I am attaching screenshots in order with, I have tried to assign groups to the repository.


You can see I have created 3 teams.


In the dl-front-end team, there are 3 user groups. I have added members to them.



When I am trying to assign a group to the repository, in user and group access section, I am unable to find any group here.

I had followed the same process earlier and I was able to add groups to the repository.

Hope you will get my problem. 


Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 25, 2019

Thanks for the screenshots! They've been very useful to understand what's going on.

Turns out that you have created those group within a team account (dl-front-end), but in your las screenshot I can see you're trying to use those groups in a repository from a different Bitbucket account (Dharma Labs). That is not possible, the groups can only be used in the accounts they belong too.

Can you try creating the groups in the account Dharma Labs and let us know how it goes?

Best regards,


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