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Cannot install SoucreTree to Windows

Kouichi C. Nakamura June 5, 2019


I tried to install SourceTree to Windows 10, by choosing "Bitbucket" button and entering  my accout name and password on a web browser.

Image 2.png

But I get this error on the web browser and cannot proceed further.

Image 1.png

And it seems there is no way I can skip this log in process.

Image 001.png


Is this a known issue? Am I the only one experiencing this? Is there a workaround?


Thank you.


Best regards,


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Jimmy Seddon
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June 5, 2019

Hi @Kouichi C. Nakamura,

It looks like you might be running into this:


While there isn't a posted solution for it yet, you might want to go vote, watch and comment on that issue.

Sorry I can't offer more help.


Kouichi C. Nakamura June 7, 2019

Thanks, I'll look into it.

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