I'm using Bitbucket Data Center 9.0. I'm trying to automatically add reviewers to pull requests using the CODEOWNERS file. I have a file named CODEOWNERS in a folder called .bitbucket in my repo and have checked it into a branch. I've been making changes to files and putting up pull requests going into the branch with the CODEOWNERS to test things out. I haven't been able to get the reviewer groups to work. We have reviewer groups at the Project level. The file looks like this:
CMakeLists.txt @reviewer-group/GroupName
# CMakeLists.txt @userName
All pull requests I am testing have changes to CMakeLists.txt. The commented line works and I see "userName" added to the pull request. The first line does not work. Am I missing something?
I have tried a groups with spaces and without spaces. I've tried to include all files as opposed to one specific file. I've added a test group to the repo (as opposed to using the ones in the project). Nothing seems to get it to work.