Can you please run Garbage collector at server end for this repository

Kameshwaran February 17, 2023

Hi Team,


I have a real-time repository that has a repository size issue. Since I cannot play around with the project repository I am working with this dummy repository to delete the large-size files which are not needed.

So I have run the below commands.


git clone --mirror https://{username}{workspace-id}/{repo}.git

java -jar bfg.jar --delete-files *.mp4 root-testing.git

cd root-testing.git

git push origin --force

git reflog expire --expire=now --all

git gc --prune=now


But still, the size of the repository does not change. I understood from the different already available questions and its responses that it has to be cleared from the server end too.

My request is to run a garbage collector on the server for this repo and I want to see if the size goes down or not.


Kindly, do the needful and reply back.

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 20, 2023

Hi @Kameshwaran and welcome to the community!

This repo's size on Bitbucket Cloud was 872.9 MB when I checked a few minutes ago. I triggered a garbage collection for the repo and now its size is 871.0 MB, so approximately the same.

Please note that the git reflog and git gc commands on your local repo need to be run prior to the push, as mentioned here:

What is the size of your local repo root-testing.git after you run BFG and also the following command?

git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive

You can check the size of the repo if you navigate to the repo's directory and then run

git count-objects -Hv

What output do you get from that command?

Just a heads up, I edited the repo URL from your post to comply with our privacy policy.

Kind regards,

Kameshwaran February 20, 2023

Dear Support,

I have run and you find the details

git count-objects -Hv


Local repo size after cloning in my local hard diskAtlassian_local.JPG

I have run again with the mentioned above sequence.

Can you please try now at your end 'gc' to bring down the size of the repo?

Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 21, 2023

Hi @Kameshwaran,

Thank you for the details. I ran another git gc, but the repo's size remains 871.0 MB.

I will go ahead and create a support ticket for you using your community account's email address, so we can further look into this issue. You should shortly receive an email with a link to the support ticket. Just in case you don't receive the email, please let me know and I can post the ticket URL here (the contents of the ticket will be visible only to you and Atlassian staff, no one else can see them even if they have the URL).

Kind regards,

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