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Can't get Oauth token. Invalid redirect_uri

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June 18, 2019


I am trying to get an oath token by following  instructions here:

and here:


I always get to the point, where I have to enter my consumer key (which I successfully generated) in{key}&response_type=token

Is follows (don't worry, I am doing this with a throw away repo):


And I get an error message 'Invalid redirect_uri'. And now, an hour later, I get now response at all, just a white page.

Am I doing something wrong or is there something wrong with bitbucket?

Why can't I just generate a token using a user interface, like on github?


Thanks for your help!


1 answer

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Daniil Penkin
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 20, 2019

Hi @vid.vranjek,

It looks like the OAuth consumer you created lacks the callback URL which is required for OAuth2. This is why you're getting an error about redirect URL.

don't worry, I am doing this with a throw away repo

Just a heads up, OAuth tokens are currently scoped not to a repository but to an account. Consumer ID on its own is useless though, so no things to worry about here.

Hope this helps.


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