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Can i do a CI\CD on Ataccama Files

Srinivas Reddy
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June 21, 2019

We use Ataccama and Attunity Tools with in our group so we are in the process of storing those Projects in the Bitbucket and Use CI\CD pipelines on those projects using GIT so i wanted to find out to see if Attacama and Attunity projects can be integrated with CI/CD pipelines.

If you can please answer it that would be greatly appreciated.



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Daniil Penkin
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 22, 2019

Hi @Srinivas Reddy,

Bitbucket Pipelines runs builds inside of Docker containers that you specify in your configuration file. So if you can express your build process using a set of commands that need to be executed in a given Docker image, you can set it up in Bitbucket Pipelines.

Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the tools you mentioned, so I can't advise if and how the process you're after can be configured with Docker. If you're aware of Docker image that is capable of running your build script OR if you can build your own Docker image for that, I can help with configuring such build in Pipelines.

I hope this helps.


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