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Can be possible restrict automated pipelines to certain commits?

Eduardo Huacuz
I'm New Here
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September 16, 2019

I'using a tool which pushes commits to my repo but I don't want to run a pipeline when this happens.


What I mean is I just want to run the pipeline if the commits was made from a developer.


Is there a way to do this?


1 answer

2 votes
Daniel Santos
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 17, 2019

Hi @Eduardo Huacuz

Yes, you can do that if you put the token "[skip ci]" in all commit messages from your tool.

A commit that would be skipped by pipelines could be created like:

git commit -m "My message from automated tool [skip ci]"

Reference: Bitbucket Pipelines FAQ - Atlassian Documentation

⚠️We have a bug that prevents this feature from working for pull requests: [BCLOUD-17676] Pull-request pipelines run with [skip ci].

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