Can Bitbucket pipeline to Ansible Tower?

Ian Williamson October 14, 2018

I have just started a new job with a company who use Atlassian tools. Based on the links below I have said to my new company it would be easy for me to set up CI/CD based on Bitbucket pipelines to Ansible Tower. Ansible because I have done some basic training on it.

that link to

I'm a bit of a noob, but I have been hacking at this since Thursday.
I don’t think these scripts as they are documented work.
Like you need to add a "- chmod 755 tower.bash" to the YAML before the script will run
and when it runs all the variables in the script get set to "Configuration updated successfully."
Has anyone seen a working example of a pipeline to Ansible Tower that they could share?
Or should I reconsider my plan?
please see my (way too much detail) posts to:


1 answer

0 votes
Ian Williamson November 4, 2018

Yay! I did it! W00t FTW


Hello To whom it may concern at Ansible / Red Hat / Atlassian


The following documentation does not demonstrate a working configuration and is misleading:


Below is a working configuration. Please review this and update your documentation accordingly.


With this configuration when a commit happens to the Bitbucket repository, pipeline will call a job from Ansible Tower named  “Tower_Test”


Set variables in Bitbucket Pipeline

ID Tower_Test


username tower_user

password password


Note: select the lock icon when creating the password variable so that it is hidden


In the repo create the following files  




# This is a sample build configuration for the Ansible Tower integration.

# You can specify a custom docker image from Dockerhub

# for your build environment.

image: python:2.7




   - step:

       script: # Modify the commands below to build your repository.

           - pip install ansible-tower-cli

           - wget

           - wget

           - wget

           - apt-get install ./libtcl8.6_8.6.8+dfsg-4_amd64.deb -y

           - apt-get install ./tcl-expect_5.45.4-2_amd64.deb -y

           - apt-get install ./expect_5.45.4-2_amd64.deb -y

#            - apt-get install -y gdebi && sudo gdebi ./expect_5.45.4-2_amd64.deb -y

           - chmod 755 tower.bash

           - chmod 755 tower.exp

           - chmod 755 qtower

           - ./tower.bash


Note: repositories available to the python:2.7 image do not include expect. expect and its dependencies are sourced from an asia/pacific Ubuntu mirror. This is less than optimal, please suggest how to make this better? Like a better Docker image.


#!/bin/bash -ex

#configur tower-cli settings

echo "Configuring Tower Settings"

tower-cli config host $host

tower-cli config username $username

tower-cli config verify_ssl false

# lets use expect to enter the pasword without echoing and get the Oath2 token from tower

./tower.exp $password

echo " current configuration settings:"

cat ~/.tower_cli.cfg

# Let's run a tower-cli job

tower-cli job launch --job-template $ID --monitor




#!/usr/bin/expect -f


set MYVAR [lindex $argv 0]

set send_slow {1 .1}

set timeout -1

spawn ./qtower

match_max 100000

expect -exact "Password: "

sleep .1

send -- $MYVAR

send -s -- "\r"

sleep .1

send -s -- "\r"

expect eof




tower-cli login  $username


Turn on Bitbucket Pipeline


The resulting pipeline log looks like this


Build setup

pip install ansible-tower-cli




apt-get install ./libtcl8.6_8.6.8+dfsg-4_amd64.deb -y9s

apt-get install ./tcl-expect_5.45.4-2_amd64.deb -y<1s

apt-get install ./expect_5.45.4-2_amd64.deb -y<1s

chmod 755 tower.bash<1s

chmod 755 tower.exp<1s

chmod 755 qtower


+ ./tower.bash

+ echo 'Configuring Tower Settings'

+ tower-cli config host

Configuring Tower Settings

Configuration updated successfully.

+ tower-cli config username tower_user

Configuration updated successfully.

+ tower-cli config verify_ssl false

Configuration updated successfully.

+ ./tower.exp $password

spawn ./qtower



"id": 36,

"type": "o_auth2_access_token",

"url": "/api/v2/tokens/36/",

"created": "2018-11-02T02:11:59.819468Z",

"modified": "2018-11-02T02:11:59.837189Z",

"description": "Tower CLI",

"user": 1,

"refresh_token": null,

"application": null,

"expires": "3018-03-05T02:11:59.812174Z",

"scope": "write"


Configuration updated successfully.

+ echo ' current configuration settings:'

+ cat /root/.tower_cli.cfg

current configuration settings:


host =

username = tower_user

verify_ssl = false

oauth_token = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

+ tower-cli job launch --job-template Tower_Test --monitor

Current status: running

------Starting Standard Out Stream------

SSH password:

PLAY [all] *********************************************************************

TASK [Check the date on the server.] *******************************************

changed: [ansible]

changed: [node-1]


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