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Bitbucket webhook won't send a request to Jenkins

Elnur Mammadov
I'm New Here
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December 6, 2021


I am configuring Bitbucket to trigger a job on Jenkins. It is a trivial process and I tested it on test Jenkins server and works fine. However, it cannot send it to my company server. I have configured my webhook as "https://company-jenkins-url/bitbucket-hook/". All I get is info below and obviously the job is not triggered. 

In case, Jenkins firewall is denying my hook, I have added Bitbucket whitelist of IPs as well. I don't even get a 403 error. Not sure what is wrong. Your help is appreciated. Thanks


2 answers

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Øystein Walle October 28, 2022

This is a long shot, but here it goes: I had a similar problem for months. The Infrastructure guys assured me the firewall was configured correctly, and that Jenkins could be reached. But Bitbucket kept claiming Network error, and Jenkins acted as if nothing happened. I gave up.

As part of upgrading the version of Jenkins (and Java) we run I had to remove the use of `--httpsPrivateKey` and `--httpsCertificate` since they had been deprecated for a while and finally removed, and replace them with `--httpsKeyStore`. I created a PKCS12 keystore which contained just the same cert as we had used. After that the webooks suddenly started working... Makes little sense to me, but worth a shot.

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 7, 2021

Hi @Elnur Mammadov and welcome to the community.

Could you please double-check if the IPs you have whitelisted are the following?

These are the IPs that need to be whitelisted for webhooks specifically.

If you have whitelisted all of these ranges and still seeing errors, could you please let me know:
1) Whether you are an admin of the repo in question? (I assume you are since you have access to its Webhooks page)
2) Let me know the name of the repo, but masked to protect your privacy, e.g. ***a**p***. Just two letters that would help me identify the repo from the ones you have admin access to. I can then check our internal webhooks logs for any additional info.
3) Please also let me if you have made a most recent attempt to trigger the webhook and when was that, so I can narrow the search.

Kind regards,

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