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Bitbucket self-hosted runner user

Svetlozar Petkov July 10, 2023

I looked over the internet, but I could not find the answer to this question.

What user does the bitbucket runner use when installed in a linux server ?

For example gitlab uses the gitlab-runner user in bitbucket how can you define which user the runner uses and is it possible to do so ? The question is for both docker and linux shell.

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Patrik S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 11, 2023

Hello @Svetlozar Petkov and thank you for reaching out to the community!

  • For Linux docker runner :

    When installing docker in your machine, the docker daemon by default uses the root user. If you want to run docker daemon in rootless mode, you will need to install docker following the instructions of Run docker daemon as non-root user.

    As for the user inside the runner container, it's also using the root user as default.
  • For the Linux Shell runner : 

    The user that executed the runner start script. It will usually be the user of the terminal session where you executed the ./ pre-defined script you received when creating the runner.

Thank you, @Svetlozar Petkov !
Patrik S

Svetlozar Petkov July 12, 2023

Thank you for the response. This cleared things up nicely!

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