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Bitbucket pipeline schedule PUT - not updating

Appan Ponnappan July 3, 2019

I am trying to use the bitbucket API to update an existing pipeline schedule but it is not getting updated. But delete and create of a new schedule works as expected, hence there is a work-around for this, fortunately.

Curl command used is below:

curl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $BB_API_TKN" \
'<account>/<repo id>/pipelines_config/schedules/%7B<uuid without curly>%7D' \
-d '{"cron_pattern":"0 0 1 ? * TUE *"}' 

Tried passing the whole schedule object but that also does not help.


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Jeroen De Raedt
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 9, 2019

Hi @Appan Ponnappan

there is a PUT REST endpoint to update a schedule, however currently this only supports updating the status of the schedule (whether it is enabled or not). 

If you require this, fee free to open a feature request here: 

In the meantime, you probably got the right workaround by deleting and creating the schedule. 

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