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Bitbucket does not support Git's legacy HTTP transport protocol

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December 14, 2022

I am working on a bitbucket plugin for which I have running bitbucket server on my local (docker) tag: latest


docker run \

-d \

--name bitbucket \

--add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway \

-v bitbucketVolume:/var/atlassian/application-data/bitbucket \

-p 7990:7990 \

-p 7999:7999 \


A pretty straightforward script to start the server, all works good except when I try to connnect from a TeamCity server running on another container. Then i found I am gettig a 501 code back, even from my localhost:


Invalid request from host Note that Bitbucket does not support Git's legacy HTTP transport protocol

I have gone through the document: and this did not help me.

1. In none of my config files I have lfs.batch set
2. The base URL in the server is also set to : http://localhost:7990

Can someone please suggest on this ?

I am almost certain that I am missing something very basic and very dumb ! 

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