Bitbucket comment notifications

Geoffrey Begley
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October 24, 2013

Isn't bitbucket supposed to send notification mails if someone comments on a commit you've made?

8 answers

3 votes
June 7, 2018

I have the same issue, comments even with @<devname> send no notifications.

2 votes
Sarah Dwyer December 18, 2020

Feature request for Bitbucket Cloud exact equivalent to fixed BB Server feature req

2 votes
I'm New Here
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June 28, 2019

June 2019: 

Please fix. When my team mates add comments to issues, I should receive notification emails. I've enable all notifications, but I still don't receive the emails.

Currently, several times a day, I have to manually go the the issues to see if there's any new comment. It's not productive. When I forget to do that, my team mates would be angry because of slow reply, it's very frustrating.

2 votes
Jose Pablo Vargas
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April 2, 2019

2019 still same issue 

2 votes
Matthew Lohbihler
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November 21, 2018

Same issue. How can i get this to work?

1 vote
Alex E
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September 9, 2020

FYI, Outlook considers BitBucket emails junk, so you probably need to go fix that if you haven't already.

Stephen Procter September 9, 2020

Thanks @Alex E, that was our issue - the emails were disappearing into Outlook quarantine with no notification. I suspect the reason is that the emails have the name of the person who made the commit, but a different email address (e.g., so are classed as "impersonation".

Unfortunately, the default Exchange configuration does not notify the recipient of quarantined emails, and even adding the Bitbucket noreply email addresses to Safe Senders does not seem to guarantee that the emails will get through. Thanks again, Microsoft!

0 votes
Tim Black
May 6, 2020

Works fine here for BBS 6.10.2. The setting is personal, in "Manage Account" --> "Notification Settings". I am looking for a better way to get these notifications than e-mail, however. Batched is too slow, and Immediate produces too much email. I would like to see a browser extension (I'm using Chrome) to show notification count in the header/toolbar, and to provide quick alerts for PR events I'm subscribed to with navigation to the PR in question. 

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 24, 2013

Notifications are configurable. In the repository watching details menu (select repo > last item on far right hand corner), ensure that you have items checked to receive notifications. More specifically, you can opt to subscribe to the following:

  • All pull requests
  • All issues
  • All commits
  • All forks

This is explained in more detail here:

June 7, 2018

2018, still does not seem to be working.

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Stephen Procter July 25, 2020

Hi @AgentSmith - I have all notification items checked and I'm still not receiving notifications for comments. It seems @NgocD and presumably the other commenters, are experiencing the same issue. I am using Bitbucket Cloud.

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