Bitbucket Yaml file can contain Stages and Runners in the same time?

Valeriu Ghisoiu September 3, 2024



Bitbucket can support Stages also for Windows Runners?

(more exactly to run runners under stages)
My idea is to have different steps for different actions without losing my already compiled data from the step before. (or lose time to compile it again).


(I can't use a local Docker to transmit commands in the different steps and data not lose)


Thanks in advance,


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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 4, 2024

Hi Valeriu!

Yes, you can use stages with Windows self-hosted runners.

You still need to use the runs-on property in your yml for every step that you want to run on this runner. You can't define this on the stage level.

My idea is to have different steps for different actions without losing my already compiled data from the step before. (or lose time to compile it again).

If you're talking about files generated in a step, the stages are not going to help with this. Files generated in one step are not transferred to the next step (even if the steps are part of the same stage), unless you define them as artifacts.

You can check the documentation below for more info about artifacts and how you can define them in your yml file:

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Kind regards,

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