I'm trying to create a custom bitbucket pipeline which has 2 inputs - version and target environment that deploys a specific version of the app(based on git tags) to different environments. image: ...
Hi Guys, For my CICD build, at the moment i am using "my" AWS Linux Server and Runner on it. But the build takes 17 mints, that i want to bring down to 5 mints. And rather then i...
...indows. The maximum is 260 (even if I enable the long paths is not working) (Windows limitations). eg: C:\CICD\tmp\{runner-uuid}\8547119988257\build Can we at least make the folders n...
Hello! Bitbucket can support Stages also for Windows Runners? (more exactly to run runners under stages) My idea is to have different steps for different actions without losing my already ...
Has anyone come across a continuous integration and deployment tool/method for Jira Data Center in relation to deploying and testing configuration changes across environments (e.g a development and p...
Below mentioned is my cicd script before_script: - apt update - apt install rsync -y - apt install openssh-client -y - eval $(ssh-agent -s) - echo "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - &g...
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