Bitbucket WebHook Event payload repository URL missing

Lyle Edwards
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March 14, 2018

Bitbucket WebHook Event payload repository uuid missing Bitbucket 5.8.0 Data Center.

When we call a webhook on our hosted Bitbucket the repository attribute value does not include the fully qualified URL to the repository, it only has the name.  

When we set up a similar webhook in the online version the full repo URL is passed. 

The documentation is not clear on what should be passed for the repository parameter.



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Mark A.
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 16, 2018

Hey @Lyle Edwards

I am a little confused when reading through your question.

The Data Center & Server documentation doesn't have a repository UUID as there are architectural differences between Bitbucket Server/Data Center and Bitbucket Cloud. I suspect that you are looking for information in your Data Center instance based on the link you provided?

Please be aware that the event payload link you included is for Bitbucket cloud. For server payload information, you can review that below:

Further, regarding the payload, this information is provided to the URL that you want Bitbucket to communicate with. You simply define the name of the hook, the URL it should communicate to, and select the event the hook should trigger for.

Please let me know what information that I missed. Any examples you can provide would be great.



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