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Bitbucket Server is not starting after password change for the user for BitBucket database is SQL

Niyazi Ozturk
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June 24, 2019

Hi All,

My problem started when the BitBucket server stopped after password expired in the database. I changed the pwd in the db and updated the file (the password part) at, Stopped the services.


Started the BitBucket services again... since then almost 5 hours of no luck..

I am sure that it is the connection issue. Becuase when I run the browser to connect the bitbucket server, It says Spring starts, Migrating Home etc. and after that it stops because of the connection issue. Same configuration exists on my laptop and runs ok. But not on my work server. It seems that HazelCast is not starting. 

Error Message: 

  • A fatal error has occurred

    The following problem occurred, which prevents Atlassian Bitbucket from starting:

    • The database, as currently configured, is not accessible. 
      Login failed for user 'bitbucket'. ClientConnectionId:e578827a-f93

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