I have RP into develop branch and its pipeline fails due to merge conflict with develop branch, but PR branch is build successfully.
Such behaviour creates a lot of interrupts because each time i have conflict i need to rebase/merge develop branch each time. But i don't want to do it before i am ready to merge my branch into develop. Also another situation when someone merged failing tests/code into develop and it just fails my build because it performs merge...
Is there option to disable this?
Here build output:
git clone --branch="GNG-27214-apache-config-2" https://x-token-auth:$REPOSITORY_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN@bitbucket.org/$BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME.git $BUILD_DIR
Cloning into '/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build'...
git reset --hard 75bc588d7b9d HEAD is now at 75bc588d7b9 GNG-27214: fix
git config user.name bitbucket-pipelines
git config user.email commits-noreply@bitbucket.org
git config push.default current
git config http.${BITBUCKET_GIT_HTTP_ORIGIN}.proxy http://localhost:29418/
git remote set-url origin http://bitbucket.org/$BITBUCKET_REPO_FULL_NAME
git reflog expire --expire=all --all echo ".bitbucket/pipelines/generated" >> .git/info/exclude
git merge ae6870301591 --no-edit || exit $CONFLICT_EXIT_CODE
Hi Vitalii and welcome to the community!
This is standard behavior for pipelines running on a pull-requests definition and it is not possible to disable it:
It allows users to run pipelines builds on the merged code before actually merging the PR.
If you don't want to run builds on the merged code, you can use:
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
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