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Bitbucket Pipeline Timeouts on npm install

Kiril Velichkov March 15, 2024

We have bitbucket project that uses bitbucket pipelines.

Here is what our pipeline looks like


image: node:18.17.0

- step:
name: Unit Tests and Linting
- npm install
- npm run lint
- npm run test:coverage -- --runInBand

Everything was working fine for a year, but since yesterday the pipeline started to timeout on the npm instsall command.
I have tried to re run old pipeline that have passed before, but they still fail, which means the issue is not introduced by a change from us, because we haven't even changed the package.json for a long time.

Any ideas or suggestions what could have caused this issue and how to fix it?

3 answers

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Answer accepted
Kiril Velichkov March 15, 2024
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Kiril Velichkov March 15, 2024

Thank you @Eduardo Asenjo 
I will try this and write back later

0 votes
Eduardo Asenjo March 15, 2024

Not a full solution to your problem, but a recommendation.


Recommendation 1:  

Use `npm ci` instead of a full install.  `npm ci` will install directly the definitions from the `package-lock.json` instead of getting latest version of everything from your package.json and recalculating everything. It will be more consistent with your developer and local machines.


Recommendation 2:

When using `npm` I'd recommend to use the `cache: node` bitbucket pipeline notation, so it will cache all packages and save loads of time when running that steps.

Take a look to this: Caches | Bitbucket Cloud | Atlassian Support

This may make your builds slightly faster and potentially prevent this timeout issue.

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