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Bitbucket Pipeline Runner crashes when there's no internet connection

Stijn van Kampen
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January 11, 2024

So when I start up a Linux Shell runner without a working internet connection, it just throws a lot of Java exceptions. Took me a while to figure out that my internet connection was not working, because there wasn't any notification it was "OFFLINE", just a lot of Java exceptions.


Not really a question, this just seems to be a bug in the Bitbucket Pipelines selfhosted runner.


Log (note: when it reports as "OFFLINE" I manually cancelled the runner because it wasn't working properly):


Update: Similar thing happens when you try to start it with the runner disable in Bitbucket settings:

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 12, 2024

Hi Stijn!

Thank you for the feedback.

Starting a disabled runner indeed does not return a message that is meaningful to the user. The first log you provided includes the message 'Temporary failure in name resolution' which indicates an issue with the host machine or DNS, but it is buried among the exceptions.

I went ahead and created a request in our issue tracker to improve the errors returned on runner failure (you can add your vote to it to express your interest):

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

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