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Bitbucket Pipeline Error

Rameshwar Katkar
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August 19, 2022


I have a scenario regarding the bitbucket pipeline. Explored bitbucket blog and document regarding this scenario. But not found proper solution. Scenario is mentioned below.
If we have master bitbucket-pipelines.yml and inside the repository we have folders like tomcat01, tomcat02 etc. file and each tomcat folder has files tomcat01.yml, tomcat02.yml in the respective folder. If we pass variable ‘tomcat01’, will this only trigger tomcat01.yml in the pipeline?
Can anyone help me with the proper solution?

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 22, 2022

Hi @Rameshwar Katkar,

What is the purpose of the files tomcat01.yml, tomcat02.yml etc? Do you store in these files configuration for Bitbucket pipelines, similarly to bitbucket-pipelines.yml file?

If yes, then what you are doing is not going to work. Configuration for Bitbucket Pipelines needs to be stored in the bitbucket-pipelines.yml only.

You may want to look into custom pipelines, that can also make use of variables.

Custom pipelines do not get triggered automatically on every push, they can be triggered either manually or on schedule.
It is also possible to define variables for custom pipelines and give a value to these variables once you trigger a build.

You can check an example of a custom pipeline with variables here:

If you need further help, please provide some more details about your requirements and we can look into it.

Kind regards,

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