Bitbucket Limits

Henry Keller
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October 30, 2013


I'm an owner of a small indie game studio and I want to try bitbucket for our projects.

I want to upload our game projects including assets/sounds and psd files, therefor I have some question about that. I've read the documentation about the limits and as it seems there are no limits, but I dont understand the part about "images and sounds".

Our games have a lot of images (png, jpg, psd) and sound files (wav, mp3) it would be nice to upload them to.

To make a long story short, Is it okey to upload them too? I know there will be no version control for them so it seems pointless but I want to have them in the project so every developer have it in there local repo.

Best regards,


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 30, 2013


It is true we have no limits on the number of repositories, nor technically the amount of space. However, a repository containing many binary files simply won't work well with Git or Mercurial, nor do they play nice with our infrstructure. If a repository grows quite large, we may be forced to review the repository contents and recommend that it be broken up or the binaries removed. This is not only to protect the Bitbucket service for our other users, but also for your own sanity.

In the end, we'd recommend splitting your assets our of your codebase into something like DropBox or Google Drive. Then, all your code is still cloud hosted, but the files are kept seperated in a way that won't cause you, or us, troubles down the line.

There are, of course, an unlimited number of ways you could automate the process of building your project using a script from your main repository to download and build up the assets from a remote source. Hopefully some other members of the community here could chime in with some recommendations for how they split out large binary assets.

In the future, we hope to have support for large files in the service, but it hasn't been high on the radar, nor high on the list of requested features for the site. You can help us to prioritize this in the future by voting on that issue.

We hope that you do find a setup that works well for you on Bitbucket and encourage you to make suggestions on how we can make it better by visiting

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