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Bitbucket Code Search is unable to find results from some or all repositories in Docker Container

Philipp Wieseckel February 23, 2019

I get the error described here :

just that im running Bitbucket in Docker and the suggested Solutions do not seem to work there.

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Atlassian Team
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February 23, 2019

Hi Philipp,

I am not on the Bitbucket team but I will try to help.

When you say you are running Bitbucket in Docker can you elaborate?

Did you follow the steps at to create the docker image?

Philipp Wieseckel February 25, 2019

Hi Martyn, i followed the steps from your link.


"curl -u bitbucket -X DELETE http://localhost:7992/bitbucket-search-v1"

does not work.

"curl -u <username> -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' http://<server>:7990/rest/indexing/latest/sync"

did work from inside the container and resolved the problem.

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