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Bitbucket Cloud integrated backup

Michele Virgilio
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March 20, 2024

Hi, i would to know if Bitbucket Cloud does supports out of the box some integrated backup mechanism for repositories; so for example, if it is possible to come back at some point-in-time data restoration of source code repositories through an user interface.


2 answers

1 vote
Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 22, 2024

Hi Michele,

Bitbucket Cloud does not have such a feature.

There are a few apps in Atlassian Marketplace for automated backups for Bitbucket Cloud that you can check:

Kind regards,

0 votes
Daria Kulikova_GitProtect_io_ March 24, 2024

Hello @Michele Virgilio ,

I represent GitProtect backups for Bitbucket Cloud. With our solution you can easily set automated backups for your entire Bitbucket enviroment, or simply pick up the data you need to protect. Unlimited retention, the AES encryption with your custom encryption key, multi-storage compatibility, ransomware protection, comprehensive restore and Disaster Recovery Technology, etc. - all the features that stand on the guard of data protection.

When it comes to the restore features, in the event of failure, you can easly restore your data from any point in time, granularly restore you repositories and selected metadata, restore to the same or new repository or oragiation account, cross over recovery to another git hosting platform (GitLab or GitHub), restore to your local device. 

You can try GitProtect backups for Bitbucket for free for 14 days:

Or just contact us to have a custom demo:



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