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Bitbucket: Changing repository from user to team

David Miller
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January 6, 2018

If I change a repo from a user to a team (that the user is part of by the way), will the links change?  The repo is used as a submodule in several other projects so I wish the links didn't change.

Why do I want to change ownership?  Because it seems that a submodule owned by an individual that used in a repo owned by a team will not show up when one clicks the directory link in bitbucket.  You get the "That link has no power here" message even if you have rights to the submodule repo.  Links to submodules owned by the group work fine when in repos also owned by the group.  (The group is added so it has rights to the problem submodule repo, it just doesn't own it.)  Is that expected behavior when navigating through files in bitbucket?

Hope I'm making sense ...

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 28, 2018

Hi David, 

Yes the repo path and remove links will change if you transfer the repository ownership. 

All users that collaborate on that repository will need to update the remote URL. 

For more details, please refer to this document: 



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