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Bitbucket Api limit exceeded

Carmel Halabe
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March 21, 2023


So I have this error message Bitbucket Api limit exceeded, and found the article below: It is good article that explain how the request limit calculated, and I need to know how did I reached the limit.

In the past the developer waited to the next day and it resolved itself, but I would like to know what caused us reaching the limit, how can I get information about the activity that happened specially when you big team working on big project:

Activity / number of calls/ users/ pipeline.... stats or audit summary, abnormal activity? 


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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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March 22, 2023

As far as I know, you do not have that insight what and how caused exceeding the limit.

If I were you, I'd track down the problem on the client side (i.e. your side!) by adding extensive logging around the Bitbucket API calls. It would help you identifying how and when generates excessive load, which would be the input to optimize it (== reduce or defer the API calls if possible).

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