Hey all! I am playing around with the Bitbucket API in my Nodejs App. At the moment I am sourcing a list of all pull requests that are merged within a certain repo and it works perfectly. The issue is the default pagelen (Page length) is 10 and I don't want to make a subsequent request. Their API provides a option to specify the pagelen value. For example
The issue I'm facing is when a try and use their query options as specified in: https://developer.atlassian.com/bitbucket/api/2/reference/meta/filtering#query-sort they are completely ignored when I use pagelen. An example of my use case is:
I want to fetch a list of all pull request that have a state of MERGED and I want the size of the page length to be 2.
URL: someRepo/pullrequests?pagelen=2&q=state%3D%22MERGED%22
In the above anything after the pagelen is ignored....
Some help or guidance would be much appreciated! Happy Coding!