Bamboo Source Code Checkout not getting latest version from SVN

Maury Hammel December 4, 2012

Has anyone run into a situation where the Bamboo Source Code Checkout task refuses to check out the latest version from the Subversion repository (this is Bamboo version 4.3.1 build 3400)?

I have updated some files and committed them to SVN. The commit created version 79 in the SVN repository. I go to run the build in Bamboo and it (quite happily) checks out version 78, which causes the build to die, because the changes I made in version 79 are required for it to succeed.

I have tried setting the checkout to do a force clean; it cleans the build directory tree and then checks out version 78. I have logged into the Bamboo server and manually deleted all the files from the build directory; it checks out version 78. I have also manually deleted all the files from the build directory and done a svn checkout from the command line - that checks out version 79. I have tried shutting down and restarting Bamboo; it still checks out version 78.

I had this happen once before, on a previous version of Bamboo. That time, I had to spend some time away from that task, and when I came back to it, the problem had mysteriously corrected itself.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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Raymond Buckle
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March 17, 2013

I am suffering the exact same issue.

Version 4.4.1

Build Number : 3502

Build Date : 2/5/13

It just seems to be ignoring some latest files. If I edit the SVN checkout stage in the plan configuration it seems to then get the latest ( by edit I mean un-check the "force clean build" checkbox, and then next time around check it, makes no difference )

Is there a fix for this?

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