Azure Web Apps Deploy to Gov Cloud

Yashvit January 9, 2025

We have been using the bitbucket pipe to deploy web apps to azure commercial environment for a long time and all works fine. 

We now have a requirement to deploy a web app in Azure Gov Cloud. The pipe "atlassian/azure-web-apps-deploy" has an option to specify the Azure environment using "AZURE_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT" as a parameter. 

However, our web app in Azure Gov Cloud does not allow public access and allows traffic only via an Azure Application Gateway. Kudu environment of the Web App is only available after connecting to Azure VPN. Zip Deploy works when doing it manually via the browser.

I see the problem here - how can Bitbucket connect to a Web App that is running in a closed container? But I'm sure this is a problem faced by most people wanting to deploy to Azure Gov Cloud. 

Any ideas are welcome! Thanks.

Here is the error we get when deploying using the pipe:

iScreen Shoter - 20250110122432753.jpg


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Igor Stoyanov
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 10, 2025

@Yashvit hi. Unfortunately, i do not know exact response for your question, but maybe this article could help you to configure Azure Application Gateway.

Regards, Igor

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