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App Passwords and Yocto

Satish Jadhav A February 6, 2022

How to use App passwords in Yocto Build recipes?

Please help me with an example

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Pramodh M
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February 6, 2022

@Satish Jadhav A 

App password is used for authentication with remote Bitbucket repositories !!

Here's a similar question


Satish Jadhav A February 6, 2022

No, my question is specific with Yocto build systems. the above link is not related to my query.


for e.g: "git clone", command works, wherein password = "an alphanumeric string created by bitbucket"

if I use the same string in the "SRC_URI" field in the Yocto recipe, I get an error for the password field.

for e.g :"SRC_URI = "git://;branch=somename;protocol=https;"

Error: "fatal: could not read password for '': No such device or address"

Please advise how to use the bitbucket app password in the SRC_URI field of the Yocto recipe.

Pramodh M
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February 6, 2022

Instead of your account password, its

e.g :"SRC_URI = "git://;branch=somename;protocol=https;"

Clone URL is available in your Bitbucket repo and App paasword can be created in your personal settings page

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Satish Jadhav A February 6, 2022

The "password" I was referring to in my reply refers to "app-password", which does not work with Yocto recipe. 

Simon Bühler
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September 21, 2023

@Satish Jadhav Adid you find a solution in the meantime, I have the exact same issue

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