Adding release tags automatically based on semVer versioning whenever we merge a branch into master?

Vishal Kashi
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January 31, 2023

I want to add git tags to when I merge a PR into my master branch. Is there any better way to do this ? 
Currently I was looking in bitbucket pipeline but I don't know how to run the script when we have a merge commit and also to conditionally create the version name based on the branch name.

Let's say out version is like major.minor.patch then if the branch name is feature/ I will bump the minor version if it's fix/ I will bump the patch version.


currently I am trying to do this using this script below but I don't know how to get the branch name I am merging into master $BITBUCKET_BRANCH gives me master and not the feature/ branch




- step:

name: Version and build


- echo "Made a change in build ${BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER}" >> changes.txt

- git add changes.txt

- git commit -m "Updating changes.txt with latest build number."




- LAST_TAG=$(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))

- echo $LAST_TAG

- MAJOR=$(echo $LAST_TAG | awk -F "." '{print $1}')

- MINOR=$(echo $LAST_TAG | awk -F "." '{print $2}')

- PATCH=$(echo $LAST_TAG | awk -F "." '{print $3}')

- echo $MAJOR

- echo $MINOR

- echo $PATCH

- if [ "$BRANCH_NAME" == "feature.*" ]; then NEW_TAG="$MAJOR.$(($MINOR + 1)).0"

- else NEW_TAG="$MAJOR.$MINOR.$(($PATCH + 1))"

- fi

- echo $NEW_TAG

- git tag -am "Tagging for release ${NEW_TAG}" ${NEW_TAG}

- git push origin ${NEW_TAG}

If there is any other better way to do this automated versioning it will be helpful too.

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Igor Stoyanov
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 3, 2023

@Vishal Kashi hi. Try this: file context

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Release new git version

set -ex

# Step 1: Get version tag
tag=$(semversioner current-version)

# Step 2: Commit back to the repository
echo "Committing updated files to the repository..."
git add .
git commit -m "Update files for new version '${tag}' [skip ci]"
git push origin "${BITBUCKET_BRANCH}"

Add this to your yaml file:

- pip install semversioner
- ./

Before run pipeline you should use semversioner for semantic versioning. Check this docs for more details.

Example with semversioner tool:

You should have `.semversioner` folder;

Then add the change:

semversioner add-change --type patch --description "Fix security vulnerability with authentication."

Then run your pipeline with script above.

Regards, Igor

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