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Add users to Standard Plan

Thomas Capacci July 11, 2019

I am currently administering Jira for our dev team and they have asked to add Bitbucket.

Should I set my account on a Standard plan then connect our Jira with Bitbucket and add users then?


Also I need to add colleagues so they can also administer Bitbucket (support team) does that mean they will all need a license?

2 answers

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Thomas Capacci July 12, 2019

Hi Ana,


I need to administer more than 5 users, I have connected my account to our Jira instance but I don't see any Bitbucket settings. Can you help and guide me on how I can invite/add users?

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 12, 2019

Hi Thomas,

You can connect Jira and Bitbucket even if you're in the Free plan, you don't need a Standard account for that.

If you need to add users to the Bitbucket account you'll need to keep in mind how many users you need. If you want less than 5 users with access to your account, then the Free account will do. If you want more than 5, then you'll need to upgrade to a Standard account. There are no 'licenses' in Bitbucket Cloud, you'll just need to grant them the right permissions. For more information, you can check our Pricing page.

Hope that helps, Thomas. Let us know if you have any questions.



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