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ARMv7 & ARMv8 containers fail to run on arm64 Linux Docker Runner

Gajesh Bhat June 12, 2024

Hello Atlassian team,

I am trying to run a Docker Container (ARM based) using Bitbucket Pipelines on a self hosted arm64 Linux Docker Runner. It is built as an ARMv8 image (I also tried ARMv7) and I built it locally using buildx on Docker. But when I try to execute it on the pipeline, it fails with a very unhelpful error message.


Unable to run script in container 174fb976-9b39-5b87-bb1c-47d803d3d601_d8bc178c-0d62-4519-8855-bafc52270781_clone. Container exited prematurely with code 1.

1. Runner details

Runner matching labels: - runner.docker - linux.arm64 - self.hosted Runner name: Linux ARM Docker Runner Runner UUID: {.....} Runner labels: linux.arm64, self.hosted, runner.docker Runner version: current: 2.1.0 latest: 2.1.0


2. Runner Platform : I am using WSL on my local laptop to test this runner. The Runner (which is in turn a docker container) is running on WSL on my machine (Dell laptop with x86_64 architecture). The AMD64 Linux Docker Runners works correctly in this setup and can be used for Development and testing and I have configured the docker on WSL to support multiarc builds using QEMU. 

3. My Pipeline configurations look something like this 


      - step:

          name: "Container to Build ARMv7 and ARMv8 Software"

          size: 4x


          - 'self.hosted'

          - 'linux.arm64'

          - 'runner.docker'


          - pipe: docker://workspace_name/repo_name:build_armv7_v8


4. I have a couple of questions.

  1. Should arm64 Linux Docker Runners for Bitbucket Pipelines run on arm64 hardware ?
  2. Can we build and run ARMv7 and ARMv8 Rust and Python based docker container images on arm64 Linux Docker Runner ?
  3. Does arm64 Linux Docker Runners support Pipe functionality ? I saw the label beta while creating the runner and I am curious as to if there is a feature parity between x86_64 Linux Docker Runners and arm64 Linux Docker Runners.

Looking forward to your assistance and reply.



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