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404 errors whenever there are ? parameters on the URL

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June 12, 2024

Starting within the last few days, a page that I have been using by Bitbucket Cloud for years and years has stopped working. The repository can be seen here:

Up until a few days ago I could browse to (obviously not my real code and key) and the page would correctly load, whereupon the Javascript would pull those parameters and do the right thing. I actually had quite a few more parameters I used. This approach lets this page work on even small devices using no local storage and no configuration beyond the URL.

Something changed in publishing by Bitbucket Cloud ( in the last few days so now this throws a 404. If I take all the parameters off, though, and browse just to or the page clearly loads, and provides an error message (that I coded) telling me I didn't supply a code and key. So the hosting is all still working, but whatever's interpreting the URL is now incorrectly handling the ?something=something format in the URL and giving a 404 instead.

Seems to be impossible to file an actual bug report, so this is the best I can do.

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