We couldn't connect to Bitbucket, possibly because that instance is behind a misconfigured proxy.

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June 6, 2019

Hi Team

we recently build Bitbucket datacenter and Bamboo servers

- we are trying to integrate both, getting "We couldn't connect to Bitbucket, possibly because that instance is behind a misconfigured proxy"

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Jimmy Seddon
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June 6, 2019

Hi @veliv,

Welcome to the Community!

When you buld these servers are you using your own hosted infrastructure or are you using a cloud provider (AWS, Azure, etc.)?

Are you able to establish a connection between the machines outside of the Atlassian applications (using ping or something to that nature?)

Have you checked the log files for either BitBucket or Bamboo to see if there is any additional information provided on the errors when you are trying to connect?

You can find the logs in these locations:

Bamboo: <BAMBOO_HOME>/logs/atlassian-bamboo.log

BitBucket: <BITBUCKET_HOME>/log/atlassian-bitbucket.log

I hope that helps get to the source of your issue.



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