Too many invalid password attempts

MickaelFM April 18, 2019

Since a few days ago I keep receiving this message when pulling or pushing

remote: Too many invalid password attempts. Log in at to restore access.

So I logout log in again and it is fine for a few pulls and pushes... but then starts again....

Does this occurs to someone else too ?

1 comment

MickaelFM May 3, 2019

No one else but me gets this annoying behaviour ?

Joakim Hedlund
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May 5, 2019

This sounds like it may be related to the recent attacks on git repos. See if you have a repository somewhere with a git remote that contains your (old) username and password in the remote URL itself.

MickaelFM May 6, 2019

My Atlassian password is already changed, and in my local repos that I work with, so I can do pulls and pushes.

If I understand correctly If it is related to recent attacks, I can do nothing about the fact that attackers still use my old password and I will receive this message independently of what I do. That's a bit annoying.


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