I am facing 2GB, can't push issue and our repository is locked due to limited space. I am unable to delete any data from master branch. Could you please delete data from my master branch?
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September 21, 2020 edited
Hi Sumit,
I'm not sure if you have resolved the issue since you posted this. If the repo is still over 2GB, one thing we can try is run a git gc on the remote repo and this may help with reducing its size.
This is something I can do, but I'll need to know the URL of the repo.
If you don't feel comfortable sharing the URL publicly here, you can open a support ticket with Bitbucket Cloud support team via https://support.atlassian.com/contact/#/. In the field "What can we help you with?" select "Technical issues and bugs" and as product select Bitbucket Cloud.
I'm afraid that we don't remove any repository data from our side, but we can assist with running a git gc and in case this is not enough, we can give you further instructions on how to reduce the repository size.