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Optional steps in bitbucket pipelines

Javier Aladid October 31, 2019


I was building the CI/CD system, and I realized there was something lacking for our use case. Let me explain:

We have different teams with different test environments (deployments), like uat1, aut2, uat3.

When it's time to push the changes to the environment, ideally a team could trigger a custom pipeline that would do 2 steps: 1) build the image and 2) deploy it to their own environment.

So the way it'd be best, is to have an input variable to define where to deploy in step2

Something like a conditional step would work here, anytime the input variable could be used for the conditional.

Does anyone have the same workflow?

1 comment

Alex Bailey February 7, 2020

I'd love to know if you found a good solution to this?

Javier Aladid February 10, 2020

No good solution, but duplicating pipelines... it requires a conditional execution of deployment based on some var in the scope to do this in a good way. Ideally this thread could turn into a feature request. 

Alex Bailey February 10, 2020

Thanks for the reply. I was considering using some sort of user account variable which would modify the pipeline to deploy to a different environment. Not ideal but a possible solution that I'll try later in the week.

Roman February 27, 2020

There exsists an issue for further discussion.

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