We have a large number of repositories in bitbucket. When I want to add a repository to a plan, the add repository is very painful. It can't find the repository and I have to scroll down the list and it show "Loading more repositories" and I have to hold mouse as it needs to keep loading more repositories. This is literally painful (carpal tunnel syndrome).
the process works, albeit painfully. mousing on "select your repository" (from bitbucket) gives an incomplete list, and then displays "Loading more results". It takes I keep have to scroll down and get numerous "loading more results". I eventually will get the repository, but it is a very lengthy process. Typing in the repository name does not help.
What is the Bamboo and Bitbucket Server version?
Typing in the repository name does not help.
Do you mean that search is slow or it is not working?
well, search only selects from the list. If the list is not fully loaded, then you have to go down to "loading more results". It would be nice if it loaded all results. I have to keep repeating that numerous times (we have a pretty good number of repositories). This takes a long time, even though the "loading more results" responds quickly (with too few new repositories). I spent (easily) over 5 minutes getting the list complete.
What is the Bamboo and Bitbucket Server version?
Atlassian Bitbucket v4.6.2
Atlassian Bamboo version 6.4.0 build 60404 - 17 Feb 18
I am told we are updating Bitbucket today (hopefully that will settle the issue)
Have created feature request to get more repositories in the list https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/BAM-19959