My pull request was approved, but it contained conflicts and when I hit "More information" link after the warning, the following popped up:
This pull request has conflicts. You must resolve the conflicts before you can merge: Step 1: Fetch the changes (saving the source branch as FETCH_HEAD). git fetch origin Feature1 Step 2: Checkout the target branch and merge in the changes from the source branch. Resolve conflicts. git checkout uat git merge FETCH_HEAD Step 3: After the merge conflicts are resolved, stage the changes accordingly, commit the changes and push. git commit git push origin HEAD Step 4: The pull request will be updated and marked as merged.
I ran all commands and merged conflicts, but cannot run the last one in #3
When I tried, I got the following error:
remote: Branch refs/heads/uat can only be modified through pull requests. remote: Check your branch permissions configuration with the project administrator.
What is the correct command to push the merge?