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"Git" set up on Git

If you just got a new computer or are using Git for the first time, you may find some of these commands useful. Note: these commands are from a Mac user

Global settings are stored in a system .gitconfig file; view that file by using the command:

$ cat ~/.gitconfig

Single repo settings stored in the /.git/config in your project folder


View current configurations in the terminal window
$ git config --list
$ git config <level> --list
Pass in specific levels of configuration
# Single repo     --local
# Current user    --global
# All users       --system
Assign username, email, text editor and color settings
$ git config --global "John Doe"
$ git config --global ""
$ git config --global core.editor <editor-symlink>
$ git config --system color.ui true
Explicity tell Git to be case-sensitive (OS X and Windows)
$ git config core.ignorecase false
Rebase by default when doing git pull
$ git config --global pull.rebase true


If you have any other useful commands to share, leave a comment below.



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