We are updating the Bitbucket Cloud + Slack Integration to use Slack’s shiny new granular permissions. This allows our app to ask for only the permissions it needs and makes it more reliable. For this update, action is required by Slack admins of workspaces using the Bitbucket Cloud + Slack integration.
Slack has required that all integration apps update to support their new granular permissions model. Before granular permissions, “classic” apps using a bot token received a broad set of scopes, and developers did not have a way to pick and choose the information their app actually accessed. Now, with granular permissions, developers can specify only the exact, minimal scopes needed for their app to function
Apps using granular permissions are also more reliable as they can remain in a workspace even if the app installer leaves the company, reducing unwanted interruptions. Furthermore, granular permissions provide a wider set of scopes that we as developers can cherry-pick in the future to add cool new features that wouldn’t be possible with classic apps.
Slack Admins are required to upgrade permissions for the Bitbucket Cloud + Slack integration in their workspaces by December 11, 2020, when the old version of the integration will no longer work. Upgrading is super simple and should only take a minute.
We strongly recommend upgrading well before the deadline once the upgrade becomes available on November 30, 2020. Until an admin upgrades the app:
New users will not be able to log in to the app and access its features
Any new features will not be available to your team
On December 11, 2020, the old version of the app will no longer work, and Slack admins will continue to receive reminders to upgrade. Upgrading will immediately make the app work as expected.
1. Two weeks before the upgrade becomes available, admins receive a message letting them know that they will need to upgrade the app soon.
2. On November 30, 2020, the upgrade becomes available and admins will receive the following message with a button to "Update permissions."
3. Clicking “Update permissions” will let admins view and accept the new granular permissions.
4. Click “Allow” and you’re all done! Your Bitbucket Cloud + Slack integration is now on Slack’s shiny new granular permissions 🎉
You can disregard past update messages as you are on the most up-to-date and supported version of the app. New members will be able to log in, and you will have access to all new future features.
No. Upgrading will not negatively impact your app or Slack experience. There will be no interruptions. Everything will still continue to work as normal as you upgrade and after you upgrade.
David Michelson
Product Manager, Confluence Cloud
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