It is possible to retrieve the avatarUrl by adding the avatarSize param to the REST call. This will add the avatarUrl property added to each user object that is returned.
For example:
<Bitbucket URL>/rest/api/1.0/users/admin?avatarSize=64
The response will contain an additional avatarUrl:
avatarUrl: ""
In a similar fashion the same parameter can be added to the "/rest/api/1.0/admin/users" request. For example:
<Bitbucket URL>/rest/api/1.0/admin/users?filter=admin&avatarSize=64
This parameter can be added to any request and the avatarUrl will be then added to the user details. For example, this is how you can request for the details of a pull request and include the avatarUrl:
<Bitbucket URL>/rest/api/latest/projects/P1/repos/repo1/pull-requests/1/activities?avatarSize=64
Caterina Curti
Developer Advocate
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