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Pull request merge dependencies - merge by priority

When it comes to getting the next release out and deployed - more often than not things don’t go as smooth as you wish. There’s a last-minute bugfix and another feature just got finished, plus there is a bug in production that needs to be fixed immediately.

Organizr structured merge hierarchy enables your team to prioritize and structure pull requests across repositories, projects and the entire Bitbucket instance.

If your team is using a source code branching model that’s close to Git flow - all of the above should not be a problem.

As always, prioritizing pull request merges to ship the hotfix, the bugfix and the new features in the upcoming release is key to avoid merge-conflicts, excessive re-work and re-test and in general to stay on top of the release process.

Here is a quick recap how to make Git-flow work for your team’s development process.

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(1) Top priority - any bug/hotfix needs to go into production, a minor product version is created.

(2) The hotfix also needs to be merged with develop to avoid drift between develop and master

(3) That feature the team’s been working on is ready to be merged to develop

(4) Feature and bugfix can be merged to release for QA testing

(5) The feature can now get shipped to production, a major product version gets created.

The best way to structure the pull request merge process is to introduce merge-checks that block pull reqeusts with lower priority to be merged prematurely.

Organizr structured merge hierarchy makes sure everyone in your team is on board with this flow, or variations of it and gives release managers peace of mind that pull requests are merged in order of priority, avoid merge conflicts, save time and have a good night’s sleep.

Watch Organizr structured merge hierarchy in action (Youtube)


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Pull request dependency via drag-and-drop

Organizr allows you to create structured pull request merge hierarchies to ensure pull requests are merged in order. You can use this feature to structure the sequence in which multiple pull requests should be merged - this can be useful if there are multiple features or bug fixes being developed at the same time.
You can view pull requests by label, state, due date, reviewer, project, target branch, author and any text across the entire instance - all in one place. And you can filter by any combination of these fields.

Check out Organizr for free, today (Atlassian Marketplace).

I truly hope Organizr for Bitbucket will save you hours every week by making it easy to find and manage your pull requests.

Happy organizing and please comment below!

Cheers, the Izymes team



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